We want to live and work in Paradise. So we are doing it. This Blog is the continuing story of Mike and Cindy as we try to live the dream. We hope you enjoy our stories and look forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Roatan Evolution

Here is a picture I took a couple of days ago near French Harbor at the site of the new mall being built. Its a pretty large project and is moving right along. The layout is more an outdoor mall than a traditional indoor mall of the states. It consists of a large center building with an L Shaped building around it and parking etc between the two.

The mall is going to be anchored by a large Carion which is a central american chain that is a department store heavy on clothes but with some kitchen and house wares but no appliances or electronics. Other store I have heard going in include a grocery chain from the mainland, an applebees (Hondurans love Applebees) a Wendys (yikes fast food at my finger tips again not a good idea).

One thing is for sure the island just like the rest of the world does not sit still and is changing. While I love Roatan as it is I am positive for the future as well. I am a former retailer and believe that more competition and selection is good for the market and Roatan needs competition to improve service, selection and pricing for its consumers. When you live on an island with 50,000 people and sometimes can not find a set of sheets or a can opener its a little frustrating.

I will keep you posted as the evolution continues.


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