Amazing 20 years

I could not help but think to myself...Amazing as I walked around Berlin this week. I grew up in an East West youth with the Berlin Wall being a major symbol. Now when you walk around Berlin you have to really look hard to see any evidence of the way it was. Tonight it hit me when I strolled into a complex built right on where the wall "was at". At a place called Postdamer Platz there is an amazing multi use retail, entertainment, office and hotel complex that is everything capitalism stands for. The place is a real estate investment owned by Sony and called Sony Center.
I did what any capitalist pig would do had some dinner, went to a movie ate popcorn and walked back to my hotel. The place was packed and it was great to see how far things have come. Hopefully we can see the same miraculous changes in other emerging democracies and anyone that thinks its not worth it to try and further democracy should take a stroll around Berlin and think about what it was like before 1989.
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