As my frequent readers know Cindy and I have been studying Spanish. It was going pretty well for a while then we had some problems.
My teacher Laura stood me up a few times and did not show up and kinda had a bad attitude. Cindys teacher Sogquey was always great and although she fell ill and had to go to the mainland for some medical treatment she was always reliable and even kept in touch when she went over to the mainland.
When Sogquey got back we started talking to her about our frustrations with Laura and how the Spanish school they worked for was tough to deal with on long term learning packages and books etc.
Sogquey agreed and then we learned that she had frustrations too. Her pay was minimal at best and she got no bonus or incentive to teach more students (no commission). I was shocked at this because Cindy and I had sent her so many students and she got to work a lot more but made the same measly wage.
I was sharing all of these problems with Jeff Kuken a local realtor and the proprietor of Casa Calico hotel. He knew some of the details as the Spanish school had been using his hotel as a teaching center and sending him a few students too.
The next thing you know Jeff says lets do our own school. I said this is crazy neither one of us even speak Spanish to any extent. But after a few more minutes I thought this makes sense. I can set up a company with Jeff. I will recruit Sogquey get the web site going (www.roatanlanguageschool.com ) and set up some marketing. Jeff will pull together a new classroom environment hire an office girl and has all the local connections we need to get refrerral business here in Roatan. Jeff and I also agreed we had a large market of local islanders that would like to better there abilities to serve the tourist market with more English skills so we are offering English as a 2nd language classes too.
So since the inception of this idea in July till now we have gotten everything done and Tomorrow (Saturday August 12th) we start business. Sogquey and Melody our staff are very excited as they have 25% stake in the profits and better wages than before. Jeff is happy to have a reliable service to offer visitors to Roatan and a new language stay and learn package for his hotel. Cindy and I are happy to help Sogquey and are looking forward to taking lessons from a new and professional school (which we own part of).
Needless to say its pretty exciting times and when you come down to visit we look forward to you spening a few hours brushing up or learning Spanish.
Here is sine info from our web site or just check it out at www.roatanlanguageschool.com
Roatan Language School specializes in teaching Spanish to vacationers and residents on the island of Roatan in Honduras. We also teach conversational English to native Spanish speakers.Our full focus is on helping all of our customers improve their communication and comfort.
Spanish LessonsSpanish is one of the most important languages in the world, and its importance is bound to increase even further. Globalization of the economy, international travel and the growing Hispanic population in many areas make speaking Spanish a necessity. Learning to speak Spanish - or improving your fluency - will give both your professional and your social life a boost.
What better place to study Spanish than where it's spoken - in Latin America on the Beautiful Island of Roatan! You will enjoy the flexibility of learning at your own pace with our professors.
We offer
Offers one-on-one and group instruction so you have a choice
Modern classroom and materials to facilitate your learning
Competent and experienced teachers
Centrally located in West End of Roatan to allow you a full tropical experience
The most outstanding feature of our Spanish courses is their focus on communication. Of course you will also study grammar and vocabulary, but we don't stop there. Unlike most Spanish schools in Roatan, we will make you speak, speak, speak! You will learn to speak Spanish in realistic everyday situations and communicate effectively with native speakers.Sign up now and rest assured that we will arrange a unique and unforgettable learning experience for you.
We look forward to meeting you in Roatan!
Centrally located in West End of Roatan to allow you a full tropical experience
LocationWe are located in West End of Roatan on the property of the Casa Calico Hotel. Contact us at info@roatanlanguageschool.com
Spanish Lesson Rates
Private Lessons (1 on 1 with your Teacher):Course Fee = $9 per hour.
Private Lesson learn whenever Package pay for 10 instruction hours get 11th free (*use your hours when its convenient for you): Course Fee = $90.
Spanish Group Lessons (max 4 people per group): Course fee is $6 per person per hour 2 persons minimum.
Introduction to Spanish Package 3 hours of private lessons per day for 5 days: Course fee= $120.
Communicating with Spanish workers is 10 hours of work and direction based communication designed for supervisors of Spanish laborers. Intro to Spanish or basic Spanish knowledge is recommend for this course: Course fee = $150 and includes text book.
Hotel and Spanish Instruction Package includes (7 nights lodging at Casa Calico in standard room, Intro to Spanish Package, Breakfast daily.: Course fee and lodging is = $400 per person.
Roatan Language School:Located at Hotel Casa Calico in West End. Roatan Phone # 334-4824 Email info@roatanlanguageschool.com