We want to live and work in Paradise. So we are doing it. This Blog is the continuing story of Mike and Cindy as we try to live the dream. We hope you enjoy our stories and look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meet Ludy Evorn James Brown

Ludy is one of our receptionist and clerical folks. She has been working for us now about 4 months and is a great part of our team. She normally bases out of the West Bay office where she is a pro at being friendly and capturing real estate interest from passers by.

Ludy is the sister of Joel James one of the first people I met in Roatan and a guy who has done quite a few odd jobs with his excavation company for Gene and myself. Knowing Joel as we did when he said his sister was looking for work we interviewed her.

She has a really up beat personality and a nice way about her. She was also not afraid to learn and had some of the basic skills we needed. After a month of Training under Juliette who was going on Maternity leave Evorn hit the ground running and never looked back.

One funny story about Evorn during the interview process was when Mark Havey asked her about her name (on her resume). Typical of people in latin countries she has four names. It is Ludy Evorn James Brown. Mark said do you know who James Brown is? she did not and all of our references to "I am black and am proud" or "I got ants in my pants and gotta dance" are for not.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Flats Fishing in Sandy Bay

Gene and I had a excellent start to our day with a little flats fishing in the Sandy bay area. We went out with Loren from Early Bird Charters. You can check it out at www.earlybirdfishingcharters.com . We hit 3 or 4 flats and did a little walking and casting and polled the boat as well. Gene had a nice fight with a 20+ lb Permit.